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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2896   View pdf image
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Ch. 489


(1)     The [Commissioners] MAYOR AND COUNCIL of the District of
Columbia, the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and the Washington
Suburban Transit Commission;

(2)     The governing bodies of the counties and cities embraced within the

(3)     The [highway] TRANSPORTATION agencies of the [signatories]

(4)     The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission;

(5)     The Washington Metropolitan Council of Governments;

(6)     The National Capital Planning Commission;

(7)     The National Capital Regional Planning Council;

(8)     The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission;

(9)     The Northern Virginia Regional Planning and Economic Development

(10)   The Maryland Office of Planning; and

(11)   The private transit companies operating in the zone and the labor unions
representing the employees of such companies and employees of contractors providing
service under operating contracts.

(b)     [Information with respect thereto shall be released to the public] A copy of
the proposed mass transit plan, amendment or revision, shall be kept at the office of the
[board] BOARD and shall be available for public inspection. INFORMATION WITH
published once a week for two successive weeks in one or more newspapers of general
circulation within the [zone] ZONE, a public hearing shall be held with respect to the
proposed plan, alteration, revision or amendment. The thirty-days' notice shall begin to
run on the first day the notice appears in any such newspaper. The [ board] BOARD shall
consider the evidence submitted and statements and comments made at such hearing and
may make any changes in the proposed plan, amendment or revision which it deems
appropriate and such changes may be made without further hearing.

Article VII


(c)     With respect to the [District of Columbia and the] federal government, the
commitment or obligation to render financial assistance shall be created by appropriation
or in such other manner, or by such other legislation, as the Congress shall determine. [If
prior to making such commitment by or on behalf of the District of Columbia, legislation
is enacted by the Congress granting the governing body of the District of Columbia
plenary power to create obligations and levy taxes, the commitment] COMMITMENTS by
the District of Columbia shall be by contract or agreement between the governing body of
the District of Columbia and the Authority, pursuant to which the Authority undertakes,

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2896   View pdf image
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