Ch. 489
(a) The Authority shall be governed by a [board] BOARD of six [directors]
DIRECTORS consisting of two [directors] DIRECTORS for each signatory. For Virginia,
the [directors] DIRECTORS shall be appointed by the Northern Virginia Transportation
Commission; for the District of Columbia, by the [City] Council of the District of
Columbia[, from among its members, the commissioner and the assistant to the
commissioner of the District of Columbia]; and for Maryland, by the Washington
Suburban Transit Commission. [In each instance the director] FOR VIRGINIA AND
MARYLAND, THE DIRECTORS shall be appointed from among the members of the
appointing body, except as otherwise provided herein, and shall serve for a term
coincident with [his] THEIR term on the APPOINTING body [by which he was
appointed]. A [director] DIRECTOR may be removed or suspended from office only as
provided by the law of the signatory from which he was appointed. The appointing
authorities shall also appoint an alternate for each [director] DIRECTOR, who may act
only in the absence of the [director] DIRECTOR for whom he has been appointed an
alternate, except that, in the case of the District of Columbia where only one [director]
DIRECTOR and his alternate are present, such alternate may act on behalf of the absent
[director] DIRECTOR. Each alternate shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing
authority. In the event of a vacancy in the [ office of director] OFFICE OF DIRECTOR or
alternate, it shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment.
(a) Four [directors] DIRECTORS or alternates consisting of at least one
[director] DIRECTOR or alternate appointed from each [signatory] SIGNATORY, shall
constitute a quorum and no action by the [board] BOARD shall be effective unless a
majority of the [board] BOARD PRESENT AND VOTING, which majority shall include at
least one [director] DIRECTOR or alternate from each [signatory] SIGNATORY, concur
therein; provided, however, that a plan of financing may be adopted or a mass transit plan
adopted, altered, revised or amended by the unanimous vote of the [directors]
DIRECTORS representing any two [ signatories] SIGNATORIES.
Article VI
(b) It shall be the duty and responsibility of each member of the [board ] BOARD
to serve as liaison between the [ board] BOARD and the body which appointed him to the
[board] BOARD. To provide a framework for regional participation in the planning
process, the [board] BOARD shall create technical committees concerned with planning
and collection and analyses of data relative to decision-making in the transportation
planning process and the [Commissioners] MAYOR AND COUNCIL of the District of
Columbia, the component governments of the Northern Virginia Transportation District
and the Washington Suburban Transit District shall appoint representatives to such
technical committees and otherwise cooperate with the [board] BOARD in the
formulation of a mass transit plan, or in revisions, alterations or amendments thereof.
(a) Before a mass transit plan is adopted, altered, revised or amended, the board
shall transmit such proposed plan, alteration, revision or amendment for comment to the
following and to such other agencies as the board shall determine:
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