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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2875   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor                             Ch. 481

(ii) Comprehensively evaluate the request by analyzing the impact of
the proposed mining activities on the surrounding area, considering only the following

1.       Noise;

2.       Watershed and water quality;

3.       Airshed and air quality;

4.       Traffic and traffic safety; and

5.       Any other environmental factors relating to the health,
safety, and welfare of the residents in the affected area; and

(iii) Be paid for by the applicant through a fee for the services
performed by the Commission, not to exceed $8,000, in addition to the initial filing fee.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the District Council shall
appoint a task force to review and evaluate those special exceptions in Chapter 59 of the
Montgomery County Code (Zoning Ordinance of Montgomery County) that may warrant
the applicability of supermajority voting requirements. The task force shall consider
issues associated with the various special exception uses, including those relating to
economic development and retention, neighborhood impacts (such as parking, buffers,
traffic, density of development, and hours of operation), and other land use or relevant
factors determined by the District Council. In appointing members of the task force, the
District Council shall strive for geographic representation from throughout Montgomery
County and provide a balance of representation from both the business community and
civic associations. The District Council is encouraged to include on the task force
additional members of the public who are not affiliated with either business or civic
organizations. The District Council shall determine the manner and time by which the
task force reports and makes its recommendations to the Council. The District Council
shall report on the implementation of this Act to the Montgomery County Senate and
House Delegations on or before May 31, 1997.

SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section 1 of this Act shall take
effect June 1. 1997.

SECTION 2. 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, subject to Section 3 of this
Act, this Act shall take effect June 1, 1996.

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2875   View pdf image
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