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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2078   View pdf image
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Ch. 347


subtitle "Subtitle 1. General Provision"; 2-201 and 2-202 to be under the new
subtitle "Subtitle 2. Personnel Systems in State Government"; 2-301 through
2-303 and 2-307 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 3. State Employment
Policies"; 2-401 and 2-601; 3-101, 3-201 through 3-206, and 3-301 through
3-307, to be under th
e new title "Title 3. Labor and Management
3-101 through 3-107 to be under the new title "Title 3.
Employee/Management Teams";
4-201 through 4-204 4-205 to be under the
new subtitle "Subtitle 2. Classes and Position Classifications"; 4-401; 4-401 to
be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 4. Hearings and Final Decisions"; 5-203.
5-205, 5-207 through 5-215, 5-301, 5-304, and 5-307 through 5-311; 6-102 to
be under the new title "Title 6. State Personnel Management System
Generally"; 6-201 through 6-203 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 2.
Responsibilities of Appointing Authorities in State Personnel Management
System"; the new subtitle designations "Subtitle 3. Positions in State
Personnel Management System" and "Subtitle 4. Employment Categories in
the State Personnel Management System"; 6-402 through 6-404 and 6-406;
7-101, 7-102, and 7-201 through 7-210; 7-301 to be under the new subtitle
"Subtitle 3. Other Appointments"; 7-401 through 7-405, 7-501 through 7-504;
7-602; 7-701 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 7. Part-time
Employment"; 9-102, 9-201, 9-307, and 9-507; 9-601 through 9-607 to be
under the new subtitle "Subtitle 6. State Employees' Leave Bank and
Employee-to-Employee Leave Donation Program"; 9-1001 and 9-1101;
9-1201 through 9-1207 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 12. Attendance
Incentive in State Personnel Management System"; 10-101 to be under the
new title "Title 10. Employee Training Program; Awards and Benefits in
Executive Branch" and the new subtitle "Subtitle 1. Employee Training
Program"; 10-301 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 3. Length of Service
Awards in Executive Branch"; 11-101 through 11-113 to be under the new
title "Title 11. Disciplinary Action Actions, Layoffs, and Employment
Terminations in State Personnel Management System"; 11-204 and 11-205;
11-301 through 11-306 to be under the new subtitle "Subtitle 3. Employment
Separations and Terminations"; 11-401; 12-301 through 12-303; 12-401 to be
under the new subtitle "Subtitle 4. Miscellaneous Provisions"; 13-101 to be
under the new title "Title 13. Contractual Employment and Service Contracts
in Executive Branch"; the new subtitle designation "Subtitle 2. Satisfaction of
Awards" of Title 14; and the new title designation "Title 15. Prohibited Acts
and Penalties" and the new subtitle designation "Subtitle 1. Prohibited Acts"

Annotated Code of Maryland
(1994 Volume and 1995 Supplement)

BY repealing

Article - State Personnel and Pensions

Section 1-402 through 1-406 and 1-501 and the title "Title 1. Definitions; General
Provisions", the subtitle designations "Subtitle 3. Classified Service", "Subtitle
4. Unclassified Service", and "Subtitle 5. Short-Term Employees"; 2-107;
2-301 through 2-305 and the subtitle "Subtitle 3. Delegation of Hearing
Authority"; 3-101 and the subtitle "Subtitle 1. Reprisals for Grievances,

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 2078   View pdf image
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