Ch. 347
(House Bill 774)
AN ACT concerning
State Personnel Management System Reform Act of 1996
FOR the purpose of abolishing the classified service and the unclassified service of the
State Personnel Management System; establishing the skilled service, professional
service, management service, and executive service within the State Personnel
Management System; establishing the labor and management partnership;
establishing employee/management teams; requiring the Secretary of Personnel to
establish classes and to assign a rate of pay to each class; requiring the Secretary to
assign a class that has been established to the skilled service, professional service,
management service, or executive service; requiring the head of a principal unit of
State government to submit for the Secretary's approval a position classification
plan for classifying positions in the unit that are in the skilled service, professional
service, and management service; requiring the head of a principal unit to classify
skilled service positions, professional service positions, and management service
positions in accordance with the approved classification plan; requiring each unit to
fill vacant skilled service and professional service positions in accordance with a
position selection plan; altering the amount of holiday leave and personal leave to
which an employee is entitled; altering certain other provisions of law on leave;
requiring the performance of each employee in the skilled service, professional
service, and management service to be evaluated; providing for disciplinary actions
against employees; providing a procedure for termination of employees; providing a
procedure for grievances; establishing an implementation schedule for
performance-based pay; providing for the designation of certain employees of the
Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund as special appointments; providing for the
designation of certain staff members employed by the Attorney General as special
appointments; providing for the establishment of a Legislative Joint Committee on
Fair Practices; providing for a telecommuting pilot program; providing for the
termination of certain provisions of this Act; declaring the intent of the General
Assembly; requiring the Department of Personnel and Department of Budget and
Fiscal Planning to study the use of long-term contractual employees; requiring the
Task Force to Reform the State Personnel Management System to meet periodically
during a certain year; requiring the Task Force to continue studying an appropriate
employee salary plan, including certain methods of compensation; allowing certain
classified service employees to retain certain disciplinary appeal rights for a certain
period of time; providing for the application of this Act; providing for certain
training; making provisions of this Act severable; and generally relating to
reforming and reorganizing the State Personnel Management System.
BY adding to
Article - State Personnel and Pensions
Section 1-201 to be under the new title "Title 1. Definitions and General
Provisions" and the new subtitle "Subtitle 2. General Provisions"; 2-101 to be
under the new title "Title 2. State Employment Generally" and the new
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