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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1425   View pdf image
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Ch. 125

administered in accordance with Sections 4-101 through 4-106 of
Article 83C - Juvenile Justice (Statewide).......................................

(B) Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center. Provide a portion of the
funds to acquire property and prepare detailed plans for a
comprehensive juvenile justice center (Baltimore City)...................

41.01.01                          DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE

(A)    Crime Lab Additions and Alterations. Complete design and
construct additions and alterations to the State Police Crime Lab
(Baltimore County).............................................................................

(B)    Westminster Barracks and Garage/Communications Building.
Construct and equip the new Westminster Barracks and
Garage/Communications Building and demolish existing
structures, provided that no funds may be expended until the
Department of State Police has entered into an agreement with
Carroll County to establish a payment schedule to compensate the
State for construction costs on the portion of the Westminster
Barracks attributable to the Resident Trooper Program.
Repayment shall be made over within 15 years with interest and
deposited into the Annuity Bond Fund (Carroll County)...............

(C) Frederick Barracks and Garage/Communications Building.
Prepare detailed plans to construct the new Frederick Barracks
and Garage/Communications Building and demolish existing
structures (Frederick County)

(D) Princess Anne Barracks and Garage/Communications Building.
Prepare detailed plans to construct the new Princess Anne
Barracks and Garage/Communications Building (Somerset

50.01.00                     MISCELLANEOUS GRANT PROGRAMS

(A)    African American Museum. Provide a grant to be administered by
the Department of Housing and Community Development to
prepare detailed plans for the construction of an African American
Museum (Baltimore City)..................................................................

(B)    Baltimore Zoo - Earth Conservation Center. Provide a grant to the
Maryland Zoological Society to assist in the construction of the
Earth Conservation Center at the Baltimore Zoo, subject to the
requirement that the grantee and/or the Mayor and City Council of

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1425   View pdf image
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