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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1152   View pdf image
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Ch. 77                                     1996 LAWS OF MARYLAND


(b) Each student and teacher in a school or other educational institution shall be
required to wear an industrial quality eye protective device at all times while working in:

(1) A [vocational or industrial art shop] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY
CLASSROOM or laboratory that involves the use of or exposure to:

(i) Hot molten metal;

(ii) Milling, sawing, turning, shaping, cutting, or stamping of any solid


(iii) Heat treatment, tempering, or kiln firing of any metal or other

(iv). Gas or electric arc welding;

(v) Repair or servicing of any vehicle;

(vi) Any caustic or explosive material; or

(2) A chemical or combined chemical-physical laboratory that involves any
caustic or explosive chemical or hot liquid or solid.


(c) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection and subject to federal
law, in Allegany County, school buses may not be used to transport students to or from
school for longer than 1 hour or over a distance of more than 45 miles, whichever takes a
shorter period of time.

(2) In Allegany County, school buses may be used to transport students to or
from school for longer than 1 hour or over a distance of more than 45 miles if the student
participates in:

(i) [Vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY
EDUCATION programs;

(ii) Education of handicapped children programs under the federal
Individuals with Disabilities Act; or

(iii) Education of the blind and deaf programs.

Title 21. [Vocational] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Programs.

Subtitle 1. County Advisory Council on [Vocational-Technical] CAREER AND



(a) There is a county advisory council on [vocational-technical] CAREER AND
TECHNOLOGY education in each county.

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1152   View pdf image
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