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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1151   View pdf image
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PARRIS N. GLENDENING, Governor                               Ch. 77

(10)   Adult education;

(11)   The State share of basic current expenses as provided in § 5-202 of this

(12)   Student transportation, as provided in § 5-203 of this subtitle; and

(13)   The school building construction aid as provided in § 5-301(c) of this


(f) (1) An amount as determined in paragraph (2) of this subsection shall
annually be set aside from the State shares of basic current expense aid to each county;
these amounts are to be utilized for [vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY
education programs in accordance with guidelines adopted by the State Board of
Education. These funds shall not be used to supplant local contributions for
[vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION programs. A county
board of education shall maintain its fiscal effort on either a per student basis or on an
aggregate basis for [vocational] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY education, compared with
the amount expended in the previous fiscal year, to be eligible to receive its
[vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY set-aside from basic current
expense aid.

(2) The [vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY set-asides
from basic current expense aid for each subdivision are calculated as follows for each

(i) The number of full-time equivalent students in grades 10 through
12 enrolled in [vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION
programs in each county on September 30 of the previous year is divided by the statewide
number of full-time equivalent students in grades 10 through 12 enrolled in
[vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION programs on
September 30 of the previous school year.

(ii) The quotient derived in (i) is multiplied by $3.9 million.

(iii) As determined under subsection (b) of this section, the State per
pupil current expense aid in each county is divided by the statewide average per pupil
basic current expense aid to determine an equalizing factor. The equalizing factor for
each county is multiplied by the product derived in (ii) to determine the unadjusted
set-aside for [vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY education.

(iv) $3.9 million is divided by the sum of the unadjusted set-asides for
all counties derived in (iii) and this quotient is rounded to 7 decimal places to determine
the adjustment factor.

(v) Each county's unadjusted set-aside for [vocational-technical]
CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY education as derived in (iii) is multiplied by the adjustment
factor derived in (iv). The resulting product is the set-aside from basic current expense
aid for [vocational-technical] CAREER AND TECHNOLOGY education for the county.

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Session Laws, 1996
Volume 794, Page 1151   View pdf image
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