(4) To refuse to sell any such alcoholic beverages to any person or persons, who,
in the judgment of the Board, is not a suitable person to purchase or consume such beverages.
(5) To make any and all contracts, rules and regulations which they may deem
necessary or desirable to carry out the powers conferred upon them by this subtitle.
(b) The Liquor Control Board shall keep accurate records of all purchases of
alcoholic beverages, receipts from the sale of alcoholic beverages and all expenses incidental to
the operation of the County dispensary system which records shall be open to inspection by the
Comptroller or any of his deputies or inspectors during all regular business hours, and shall
also prepare and forward to the County Commissioners a report for the period ending June 30
and December 31, in each year, which report shall contain a full and complete statement of
the business transacted by the Board and the results of the operation of the dispensary
established under the authority of this subtitle and the Board shall also publish these reports in
at least three newspapers of general circulation in Dorchester County within thirty days after
June 30 and December 31 of each year. 7
(a) This section applies only in Dorchester County.
(b) (1) All net profits arising from the operation of the dispensary shall be first
applied towards the payment of any funds advanced to or borrowed by the Liquor Control
Board. After those funds have been repaid, the Board may create and maintain a reserve fund
not to exceed $75,000, including the total inventory of stock and supplies on hand, to provide
adequate working capital and to meet any loss that may be sustained by the Board in the
operation of the dispensary.
(2) All net profits in excess of the above requirements shall belong to and be paid
over to the County Commissioners on or before April 1 each year.
(c) (1) On or before May 1 in each year the County Commissioners of Dorchester
County shall pay at least 50 percent of the net profits to the Dorchester General Hospital, Inc.
(2) The hospital shall use the funds for:
(i) The repair or expansion of the hospital buildings; and
(ii) The purchase or replacement of necessary equipment; or
(iii) Current operating expenses or deficits.
(3) Any sum from the net proceeds above that paid to the hospital in each year
shall be credited by the County Commissioners to a special fund and, thereafter, used only for
payments of the principal and/or interest on any bonds or other certificates of indebtedness
which are outstanding and payable by the Board of County Commissioners.]
(a) No member or employee of the [Liquor Control Board] BOARD OF LICENSE
COMMISSIONERS of Dorchester County shall have any financial interest, directly or indirectly,
in the manufacture of any alcoholic beverage, or in any alcoholic beverage purchased or sold
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