[(b)](C) (1) He obtains property or services by passing a check OR CHECKS
knowing that the drawer thereof has insufficient funds with the drawee to cover [it] THE
CHECK OR CHECKS and other outstanding checks;
(2) He intends or believes at the time the check [is] OR CHECKS ARE
passed that payment will be refused by the drawee upon presentation; and
(3) Payment OF THE CHECK OR CHECKS is refused by the drawee upon
[(c)](D) As a drawer or representative drawer, he obtains property or services by
uttering a check OR CHECKS knowing that he or his principal, as the case may be, at the
time of uttering the check OR CHECKS intends, without the consent of the payee, to stop
or countermand the payment of the check OR CHECKS, or otherwise to cause the drawee
to disregard or dishonor or refuse to recognize the check OR CHECKS, and payment is
refused by the drawee upon presentation;
[(d)](E) He obtains property or services by passing a check OR CHECKS knowing
that payment of the check has been stopped or countermanded, or the drawee of the
check OR CHECKS will disregard or dishonor or refuse to recognize the check OR
CHECKS, and payment is refused by the drawee upon presentation; or
[(e)](F) (1) As a drawer or representative drawer, the person utters a check in
payment for services to be provided or previously provided by:
(i) An employee of the drawer or representative drawer; or
(ii) An independent contractor hired by the drawer or representative
(2) The drawer or representative drawer:
(i) Intends or believes at the time of utterance that payment will be
refused by the drawee upon presentation; or
(ii) Knows that the drawer or representative drawer, or the principal
of the drawer or representative drawer, has insufficient funds with the drawee to cover
the check and other outstanding checks;
(3) The employee of the drawer or representative drawer or an independent
contractor hired by the drawer or representative drawer passes the check to a third
person; and
(4) Payment is refused by the drawee upon presentation.
(e) (1) Dishonor of a check by the drawee, that the drawer had no account with
the drawee at the time of utterance, and insufficiency of the drawer's funds at the time of
presentation and utterance may properly be proved by introduction in evidence of a
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