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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 2847   View pdf image
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(a) In this section, "urban highway" means a highway, other than an expressway,
that is:

(1) Constructed with a curb and gutter and an enclosed type storm drainage
system; or

(2) Located in an urban area and on which is located a public facility that
creates appreciabl
e pedestrian traffic along the highway from adjacent areas.

(b) (1) At the request of the government of any county, with the approval of a
majority of the members of the
General Assembly from the county and the elected county
executive, if any, th
e Administration shall include the construction of sidewalks in any
urban highway project.

(2) The request and approval shall be made to the Administration before it
esents its annual highway construction program to the General Assembly for
consideration and inclusion in th
e budget.

(c) (1) [Funds to pay the cost of sidewalk construction shall be obtained, as
specified in th
e request:

(i) By shortening the limits of the project where sidewalks are to be
constructed; or

(ii) By deleting all or a part of another project scheduled for
construction in the same fiscal y
ear with a value equal to the cost of the requested
sidewalk construction:

(2)] After sidewalks are constructed under this section, they shall be
maintained and r
epaired by the [political subdivision in which they are located]

[(3)] (2) The cost of sidewalk construction, maintenance, and repair may
not r
esult in any increase in funds allocated in any fiscal year to any county.

Article 66B - Zoning and Planning


(a) It shall be the function and duty of the commission to make and approve a
plan which shall be recommended to the local legislative body for adoption and which
shall serve as a guide to public and private actions and decisions to insure the
development of public and private property in appropriate relationships and which shall
include any areas outside of its boundaries which, in the commission's judgment, bear
relation to the planning responsibilities of the commission. The elements of the plan may
be [exercised] EXPRESSED in words, graphics, or other appropriate form. They shall be
interrelated and each element shall describe how it relates to each of the other elements
and to the statement of objectives, principles, policies, and standards.

(1) The plan shall contain as a minimum the following elements:

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Ch. 495



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Session Laws, 1995
Volume 793, Page 2847   View pdf image
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