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73. appeal to the Division. Rule 3. Every motion or resolution shall, if required by a member, be reduced to writing. No motion shall be subject to debate untill seconded and stated. Rule 4. Before puting a question to vote the W. P. shall ask, "Is the Division ready for the question." If no member speaks, the W. P. shall rise & propose it. No member shall speak after he has risen. When the question is being puts the Brothers shall be seated and silent. Rule 5. Any member may call for a Division, when the C shall count the affirmative and negative votes. Rule 6. If two or more Brothers rise to speak, the W. P. shall decide which is entitled to the floor. Every member when speaking shall stand up, address the chair, confine himself to the question, name no member by his proper name, but shall use the word, "Brother," with the resignation appropriate to his rank in the order, and shall avoid all personality, disrespectful or indecorous language. Rule 7. No member shall interupt another when speaking, unless to call him to order, nor disturb him by any rejoinder or remark; nor stand up, nor pass between him and the chair. Rule 8. No member shall speak more than once, untill all who wish to speak have spoken, nor more than twice on the same subject, without permission of the W. P., nor shall any Brother from Another Division speak, unless he shall have asked & received permission to do so. Rule 9. When a question is before the Division, no motion shall be received, except to adjourn, for the previous question to lie on the table, to postpone indefinitely, or to a certain time, to divide, to commit, or amend. Rule 10. On the call of five members, the majority of the Division may demand that the previous question shall be put, which shall always be in this form. "Shall the main question be now put," and untill decided, it shall preclude all amendments, and all further debate. Rule 11. If a question pending be lost by adjounment, and received at a subsequent meeting, its description shall be subject to the same rules as if no such adjournment had taken place. A motion to reconsider, must be made and seconded by Brothers who voted with the majority. Rule 12. Any document pertinent to a question before the Division, shall on the call of any Brother be read, unless objected to, when it shall be determined by the Division, without debate, whether or not such document shall be read. Rule 13. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, after the regular business has been gone through, which motion shall be put without debate, and if a Motion for adjournment be carried, the Division shall not be considered as adjourned untill closed in due form. Rule 14. Every Committee shall report at the next regular meeting, unless further time be given. No Brother shall be compelled to serve on more than two |
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