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Dorchester County Court Chattel Records, 1847-1852
Volume 776, Page 66   View pdf image
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from the first payment.

Sec. 4.  In case of the death of a Brother entitled to benefits, the sum of thirty dollars
shall be appropriated as a funeral benefit.  The W. P., in the absence of competent
relations or friends, shall take charge of the funeral, and keep an account of the

Sec. 5.  On the death of the wife of a Brother, also beneficial, he shall be entitled
to the sum of fifteen dollars, as a funeral benefit.

Article 7.  Offence.

Sec. 1.  Any member who shall offend against these Articles, or the By-laws
shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended or expelled, as two thirds of
the members present, at any regular meeting, may determine.

Sec. 2.  Every member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offence involving
reprimand, suspension or expulsion, but no member shall be put on trial,
unless charges, duly specifying his offence, be submitted in writing by a
member of the Division.

Sec. 3.  When charges have been prefered against a Brother in proper manner,
or any matters of grievance between Brothers are brought before the
Division, they shall be refered to a special Committee of five members,
who shall, with as little delay as the case will admit, summon the
parties, and examine and determine the matters in question; and if their
division does not involve the suspension or expulsion of a member, and
no appeal be taken from it to the Division, it shall be final, without
other action.  Should the Committee be convinced of the necessity of suspending
or expelling a member, they shall submit a motion for the purpose to the
Division for action.

Sec. 4.  When a motion for the expulsion or suspension of a Brother shall have
been submitted in due form, it shall be announced at one regular meeting
previous to action being taken, and the accused shall be summoned to be in
attendance at the Division, at the time when it may have been determined
to consider the question - at which time, whether the implicated member be
present or not, the Division may proceed to consider & determine it.  Two
thirds of the members present voting in favor of the motion it shall be
carried; but the Division shall be fully competent, which such Motion is
under consideration, to vary the penalty from the original Motion.

Sec. 5.  When the decision of a Committee, appointed under Sec. 3 of this Article,
otherwise final, shall not be satisfactory to all parties, either of those interested
shall have the privilege of an appeal to the Division - And at the time
appointed for trying the appeal, the committee shall present to the Division,
in writing, the grounds on which their division was founded; and the
parties shall have the privilege of being heard before the Division - And
the Division shall determine the correctness of the division of the Committee
by a majority of votes present.

Sect. 6.  Any member having been expelled, shall not be proposed for membership

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Dorchester County Court Chattel Records, 1847-1852
Volume 776, Page 66   View pdf image
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