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65. the same at the close. He shall have charge of such property of the Division as may not be otherwise provided for and render a full report to the Division at the end of his term. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the A. C. to render such services as the C. or Division may require of him. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the J. S. to attend the door - to admit none but members of the Order and Candidates for initiation. Sec. 10. The O. S. shall guard the door outside and keep off intruders. Article 5. Eligibility for Membership. Sec. 1. No person shall be initiated into the Division under eighteen years of age, nor for a less sum than two dollars. Sec. 2. No person shall be appointed into this Division who does not possess a good moral character, or who is in any way incapacitated from earning a livelihood or who has no visible means of support. Sec. 3. The name of a person offered for membership, must be proposed by a member in writing, stating age, residence, and business which must be entered on the record and the subject refered to three Brothers for investigation, who shall report in writing at a succeeding meeting, when the candidate shall be balloted for with ball ballots, and if not more than four black balls appear against him, he shall be declared elected, but if five or more black balls appear, he shall be rejected and so declared. No person so rejected shall be again reposed in any Division of the Order under six months. Sec. 4. A proposition for membership shall not be withdrawn, after it has been refered to a Committe for investigation, without the consent of a Majority of the members present. Sec. 5. A vote of rejection may be reconsidered within three meetings, exclusion of the meeting at which the vote was taken. But a vote which has resulted in an election, shall not be reconsidered. Sec. 6. The name of a Candidate, or Brother constitutionally suspended, rejected, or expelled, shall not be published in any other manner than the usual notice to the Divisions. Sec. 7. Any Brother applying for Membership by deposit of card, shall be subject to the same Ballot as a new applicant. Article 6. Contributions and Benefits. Sec. 1. The regular Dues to this Division shall not be less than 6¼ cents per week. Sec. 2. Every bona fide member who shall be qualified as required by the Constitution and By-laws of this Division, shall in case of sickness or disability, be entitled to and receive weekly, not less than three dollars; except it be shewn that such sickness or disability be brought on by his own improper conduct. Sec. 3. No Brother residing within five miles of the Division of which he is a member, shall be entitled to benefits for more than one week previous to his case being reported to such Division. No benefits shall be granted for a less time than one week. All arrears, either of dues or fines, shall in every case be deducted |
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