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Dorchester County Court, Chattel Records, 1842-1847
Volume 774, Page 16   View pdf image
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by Perry H Robinson of the county and state aforesaid at
and before the sealing and delivering hereof the receipt
whereof I do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained
and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and
sell unto the said Perry H Robinson his executors administrators
and assigns One black  mare eighteen years
old two young stears two heifers five head of sheep six
hogs eight barrels of corn three stacks of fodder three
beds and furniture [illegible] one safe one Table
one chest six chairs cooking untensals and cupboard
ware all which property is now in my possession  To
have and to hold the same described property above bargained
and sold to the said Perry H Robinson his executors
administrators and assigns forever to his and their only
proper use and benifit and I the said William W
Robinson for my self my Executors and administrators
shall and will warrant and forever defend by these
presents to the said Perry H Robinson his executors administrators
and assigns the said described property
against all and every other person or persons
whomsoever claiming the same or any part thereof
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this nineteenth day of December
Eighteen hundred and forty two
Signed sealed and
delivered in pressence of         William W Robinson   (seal)
    Samuel Twilley
    Maryland Dorchester county To wit On this nineteenth
day of December Eighteen hundred and forty two before
me a Justice of the peace in and for said County appears
William W Robinson and acknowledges the above
writing to be his act and deed according to the true intent
and meaning thereof and the act of assembly
in such case made and provided      Samuel Twilley

Traverse B Tolley         Be it remembered that the following
Ex.d         from             Bill of Sale was recorded on 5 Jany
John Vickers                anno domini 1843 to wit
Know all men by these presents that I John
Vickers of Dorchester County in the State of Maryland
for and in Consideration of the ^sum^ of fifty Current money
to him in hand paid by Traverse B Tolley of the county

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Dorchester County Court, Chattel Records, 1842-1847
Volume 774, Page 16   View pdf image
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