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Session Laws, 1994
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Ch. 3                                                1994 LAWS OF MARYLAND

Article 27 - Crimes and Punishments


(h) (1) There is created a Handgun-Permit Review Board as a separate agency
within the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. The Board shall
consist of five members appointed from the general public by the Governor with the
advice and consent of the Senate of Maryland and shall hold office for terms of three
years. The members shall hold office for a term of one, two, and three years, respectively,
to be designated by the Governor. After the first appointment, the Governor shall
annually appoint a member of the Board in the place of the member whose term shall
expire. Members of the Board shall be eligible for reappointment. In case of any vacancy
in the Board, the Governor shall fill the vacancy by the appointment of a member to serve
until the expiration of the term for which the person had been appointed. Each member
of the Board shall receive per diem compensation as provided in the budget for each day
actually engaged in the discharge of his official duties as well as reimbursement, in
accordance with [standard travel regulations] THE STANDARD STATE TRAVEL
REGULATIONS, for all necessary and proper expenses.

Article 38A - Fires and Investigations                       


(b)     The members of the State Fire Prevention Commission shall serve without
compensation but shall be reimbursed, in accordance with THE Standard STATE Travel
Regulations, for their necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

Article 41 - Governor - Executive and Administrative Departments


(c) (3) The members of the Commission shall receive no salary but all members
shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Standard STATE Travel Regulations for their
expenses lawfully incurred in the performance of their official functions.             


(d) (3) The members of the Commission shall receive no salary for service on
the Commission, but all members shall be reimbursed in accordance with THE Standard
STATE Travel Regulations for their reasonable expenses lawfully, incurred in the
performance of their official functions.


(c)     (7) The members of the Commission shall receive no salary for service on
the Commission, but shall be reimbursed, as provided in the budget, for their reasonable
expenses lawfully incurred in the performance of their official function in accordance
with THE Standard STATE Travel Regulations.                                                         

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