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Session Laws, 1994
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                               Ch. 3

(iii) The alternate Board member shall serve on the board in the
absence of a quorum of the regular members due to illness or conflict of interest.

(iv) When serving on the Board, the alternate Board member has all of
the powers and duties of a regular Board member.

[(h) This section shall be applicable in Baltimore City, and (except as otherwise
provided) in Allegany, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Caroline, Prince George's, St. Mary's,
Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico and Worcester Counties.]


This section is amended to clarify language and place the counties in
standardized alphabetical order.

[216.] 214.

This subheading applies only in the following counties:

[(13)] (1) Allegany County[.];

[(8)] (2) Baltimore County, including motorcycles located on any of the
places enumerated in § [214] 215 OF THIS SUBHEADING, unless authorized;

[(2)] (3) Calvert County;

[(3)] (4) Carroll County, including motorcycles located on any of the places
enumerated in § [214] 215 OF THIS SUBHEADING, unless authorized;

[(6)] (5) Cecil County;

[(1)](6) Charles County;

[(12)] (7) Frederick County; [and]

[(7)] (8) Garrett County;

[(11)] (9) Harford County;

[(9)] (10) Howard County;

[(10)] (11) Montgomery County;

[(5)] (12) St. Mary's County; AND

[(4)] (13) Somerset County [;].

[214.] 215.


(2) In this section [, with respect to Montgomery County, the term] "unless
authorized" means the possession and presentation of a written consent by the owner of
the property.

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 291   View pdf image
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