on the date of the municipal election in November, 1995 is hereby declared a part of
Montgomery County, and the boundary between Montgomery County and Prince
George's County lying within the City of Takoma Park on that date is declared to be
relocated to coincide with the eastern boundary of Takoma Park as it may then exist; or
(2) if authorized by a majority of the votes cast in a referendum held in that part of the
City of Takoma Park located in Montgomery County all that part of Takoma Park located
in Montgomery County on the date of the municipal election in November, 1995 is hereby
declared a part of Prince George's County and the boundary line between Montgomery
County and Prince George's County lying within the City of Takoma Park on that date is
declared to be relocated to coincide with the western boundary of Takoma Park as it may
then exist. However, if a majority of votes in both of the referenda held under this Act are
cast in favor of changing the boundary between Montgomery County and Prince George's
County, this Act is null and void. If a majority of the votes cast in both the referenda held
under this Act are cast against changing the boundary, this Act is also null and void.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, before this Act becomes
effective, it shall first be submitted to a referendum of the legally qualified voters in that
part of the City of Takoma Park located in Prince George's County to determine if they
want that part of the city to become part of Montgomery County and to a referendum of
the legally qualified voters in that part of the City of Takoma Park located in Montgomery
County to determine if they want that part of the city to become part of Prince George's
County. Legally qualified voters are those voters who are legally qualified to vote in State
elections and who are certified by their county of residence as eligible to vote in the City
of Takoma Park at the municipal election in November, 1995. The referenda shall be held
at the municipal elections in November, 1995. The Board of Supervisors of Elections for
both Montgomery County and Prince George's County shall certify a list of eligible voters
and the City of Takoma Park shall do those things necessary and proper to provide for
and hold the referenda required by this Act and the City of Takoma Park shall bear the
costs thereof. For the voters residing in the portion of the City of Takoma Park located in
Montgomery County, there shall be printed on the ballots or ballot labels to be used in
this election the title of this Act, and underneath the title, on separate lines, a square box
to the right of and opposite the words (1) "For Alteration of the Prince George's
County/Montgomery County Boundary to Place All of Takoma Park in Prince George's
County" and (2) "Against Alteration of the Prince George's County/Montgomery County
Boundary to Place All of Takoma Park in Prince George's County". For the voters
residing in the portion of the City of Takoma Park located in Prince George's County
there shall be printed on the ballots or ballot labels to be used in this election the title of
this Act, and underneath the title, on separate lines, a square box to the right of and
opposite the words (1) "For Alteration of the Prince George's County/Montgomery
County Boundary to Place All of Takoma Park in Montgomery County" and (2) "Against
Alteration of the Prince George's County/Montgomery County Boundary to Place All of
Takoma Park in Montgomery County".
SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, if a majority of the votes
cast in the election are "For Alteration of the Prince George's County/Montgomery
County Boundary to Place All of Takoma Park in Prince George's County", that part of
the City of Takoma Park located in Montgomery County on the date of the municipal
election in November, 1995 shall be a part of Prince George's County, effective on July 1,
1996 1997, and the inhabitants shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges as are
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