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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 2724   View pdf image
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Ch. 591


sold in bottles or cans of any size individually for off-sale consumption; deleting the
requirement that those containerized packages contain at least a certain number of
bottles or containers; and generally relating to alcoholic beverages in Harford

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 2B - Alcoholic Beverages
Section 13(n)

Annotated Code of Maryland
(1990 Replacement Volume and 1993 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article 2B - Alcoholic Beverages


(n) (1) This subsection applies in Harford County.            

(2) (i) The annual license fee for a six day, Monday through Saturday,
license is $125.

(ii) The annual license fee for a seven day license is $250.

(3) (i) In this paragraph, "premises" includes any building, parking lot,
terrace, or grounds which form an integral part of the licensed premises.

(ii) The licenses shall be granted by the Liquor Control Board only to
proprietors of bona fide retail stores selling food, drugs, or other similar commodities.

(iii) These licenses authorize the licensee to sell for consumption off
the premises only fermented beverages, including split bottles arid brewed beverages.
Brewed beverages sold in bottles or cans [exceeding 12 ounces in weight or size,] for
consumption off the premises [,] may be sold individually. [If brewed beverages are sold
in a containerized package, the package shall hold a minimum of 6 bottles or containers.]

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
October 1, 1994.

Approved May 26, 1994.

(House Bill 750)

AN ACT concerning

Task Force to Study Health Professional-Client Sexual Exploitation - Report

FOR the purpose of altering the date by which the Task Force to Study Health

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 2724   View pdf image
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