Ch. 459
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article - Transportation
Section 13-507(a) and 17-106(e)
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1992 Replacement Volume and 1993 Supplement)
WHEREAS, Since 1985 the rate of automobile theft in Maryland has risen faster
than the national average; and
WHEREAS, It is estimated that in 1992 in Maryland over 27,000 vehicles were
stolen representing approximately a $200,000,000 loss in property value; and
WHEREAS, In Maryland, juveniles are involved in a greater percentage of vehicle
thefts than the national average; and
WHEREAS, The Governor's Commission on Vehicle Theft and Related Crimes has
recommended enactment of the Vehicle Theft Prevention Council; and
WHEREAS, The Commission has found that in Michigan, which enacted a similar
program in 1985, the state's vehicle theft rate and insurance premiums were significantly
lowered; and
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the 1993 Budget Reconciliation Act, the Department of
Public Safety and Correctional Services developed a program to combat vehicle theft and
recommended that the State create a Vehicle Theft Prevention Council to assist in the
prevention and deterrence of vehicle theft and related crimes in Maryland; and
WHEREAS, It is intended that money raised by this Act the Vehicle Theft
Prevention Fund be used to enhance and complement existing resources so that progress
can be made in lowering the incidence of vehicle theft and damage to vehicles that is
incidental to vehicle theft or vandalism in Maryland; now, therefore,
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 41 - Governor - Executive and Administrative Departments
(a) The following departments, agencies, boards, commissions, offices, divisions,
and units of the State government are included within the Department of Public Safety
and Correctional Services: the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, the Division of
Correction established pursuant to § 4-105 of this article, the Patuxent Institution, the
Board of Review for Patuxent Institution, the State Fire Prevention Commission, the
office of State Fire Marshal, the Police Training Commission, the Maryland Parole
Commission, the Division of Parole and Probation established pursuant to § 4-105 of this
article, the Sundry Claims Board, the Maryland State Police established pursuant to §
4-105 of this article, the Advisory Board for Correction, Parole and Probation established
pursuant to § 4-107 of this article, the Division of Pretrial Detention and Services, THE
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