Volume 773, Page 2081 View pdf image |
WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor Ch. 420 (2) Maintain commercial general liability insurance that provides for at least (3) Provide to the [Director] INSTITUTE a certificate of insurance that at a (i) Indicates that the insurance required under this subsection is in (ii) Lists the [Director] INSTITUTE as an additional party entitled to 1. Nonrenewal or cancellation of a policy required by this 2. Substantive change is made in the coverage or level of (4) Meet the requirements of this section and all regulations adopted by the (e) (1) The [Director] INSTITUTE shall set reasonable fees for the licensing (2) The fees charged by the [Director] INSTITUTE shall be set in a manner (3) The total reasonable cost of maintaining the licensing program may not (f) The [Director] INSTITUTE may inspect the operating base, equipment, (g) Subject to the hearing provisions of subsection (h) of this section, the (h) Before the [Director] INSTITUTE takes any final action under subsection (g) (i) The [Director] INSTITUTE may waive the requirements of this section for - 2081 -
Volume 773, Page 2081 View pdf image |
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