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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 1191   View pdf image
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Ch. 99

[(ii)](2) Converted to any other class of license;

[(8) (i)] (J) (1) The license may not be issued for premises in a
mixed-use building or structure if there are 5 alcoholic beverages retail licenses of any
class operating within the same mixed-use building or structure; and

[(ii)](2) Only 2 licenses may be issued within the same mixed-use
building or structure if there are 2 existing 7-day Class BDR (Deluxe Restaurant)
(on-sale) beer, wine and liquor licenses authorized and issued within the same mixed-use
building or structure;

[(9)](K) The total seating capacity for the area dedicated primarily for the
purpose of the consumption of alcoholic beverages may not exceed 15% of the total
seating capacity of the establishment;

[(10)](L) Subject to the provisions of [paragraph (11)] SUBSECTIONS (E)
AND (M) of this [subsection] SECTION, the hours during which the privileges conferred
by the license may be exercised may not exceed the hours in which food is offered for sale;

[(11)](M) Alcoholic beverages may be sold in the establishment only until
1:30 a.m.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the provisions of this Act
are subject to the abrogation provisions of Chapter 452 of the Acts of 1991, and the
relevant provisions of Class B (DT) licenses are included within those abrogation

SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1994.

Approved April 12, 1994.

(House Bill 1507)

AN ACT concerning

Carroll County - Sheriff- Employment of Personnel

FOR the purpose of providing that the Sheriff of Carroll County may employ a certain
number of personnel; providing that the County Commissioners shall determine the
salary received by certain personnel; providing that certain personnel may only be
disciplined or dismissed for just cause; providing that certain personnel may be
terminated at will allowing the Sheriff to appoint persons to certain positions who
serve at the pleasure of the Sheriff; making stylistic changes; and generally relating
to the Office of the Sheriff of Carroll County.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

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Session Laws, 1994
Volume 773, Page 1191   View pdf image
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