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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2099   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                         Ch. 383

(3)     In any year in which the Governor fails to include sufficient funds in the
annual budget to operate a facility, thereby precipitating the closure of the facility, [or
portion of the facility, the Department shall notify the employees] THE NOTICE SHALL
BE GIVEN no later than 30 days following the submission of the annual budget bill to the
General Assembly.

(4)     Whenever the General Assembly in any year fails to appropriate
sufficient funds in the annual budget to operate a facility, thereby precipitating the
closure of the facility, [or portion of the facility, the Department shall notify the
employees] THE NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN no later than 30 days following the close of
that session of the General Assembly.

(c)     If requested by an employee who is to be laid off, immediately following the
notice, the [various departments] DEPARTMENT OR OTHER INDEPENDENT UNIT

(1)      [Begin] BEGIN to provide intensive job counseling and training referral
for the affected employees;

(2)      [Make] MAKE efforts to relocate or transfer the affected employees to
other departmental positions in the State; and

(3)      [Notify] NOTIFY the [Employees' Reassignment Center of the]
Department of Personnel and the Department OF ECONOMIC AND EMPLOYMENT
DEVELOPMENT of any employees who are adversely affected.

(d)     The Department of Personnel shall:

(1)      [Develop] DEVELOP a list of State classifications with their comparable
classifications, if any; and

(2)      [With] WITH the assistance of the Department of Economic and
Employment Development, make efforts to relocate the affected State employees to
vacant State positions.

(e)     The Department of Economic and Employment Development shall develop a
program to assist adversely affected State employees by providing retraining and other
appropriate employment and training services.

(f)      The Secretary of Personnel [and the Secretary of Economic and Employment
Development] shall adopt rules and regulations to implement this section.

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section(s) 8-304 of
Article - State Personnel and Pensions of the Annotated Code of Maryland (as enacted

by Chapter____ (S.B. 50) of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1993) be renumbered

to be Section(s) 8-305.                   

SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section(s) 3-201 of
Article 83A - Department of Economic and Employment Development of the Annotated
Code of Maryland be transferred to be Section(s) 8-304 of Article - State Personnel and

Pensions of the Annotated Code of Maryland (as enacted by Chapter____ (S.B. 50) of

the Acts of the General Assembly of 1993).

- 2099 -


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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2099   View pdf image
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