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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2086   View pdf image
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Ch. 377


(IV) (III) Design and construct capital facilities renewal projects as
listed below:

Utility System Improvements - Phase IV
Building HVAC System Improvements - Phase II
Building Interior Architectural Repairs - Phase IV
Building Structural Repairs - Phase V
Improvements to Electro-Mechanical Systems - Phase III
Upgrade Pedestrian Infrastructure - Phase V ........ $3,700,000

(C) Bowie State University:

(I) Construct improvements to electrical distribution, steam
distribution, stormwater, and sanitary          sewer

systems............................................................................ $1,003,000

(II)Design improvements to Marshall Library.....................$193,000

(III) (II) Provide a portion of the funds to design and construct
capital facilities renewal projects as listed below:
Replacement of Fire Protection and Rigging on King
Center Auditorium main stage

Repair exterior brickwork on Marshall Library and
Wiseman Center.................................................... $245,000

(III) Design improvements to Marshall Library...........................$193,000

(D)    Towson State University:

(I) Improvements to central power plant, Phase I................ $856,000

(E)    University of Maryland Eastern Shore:

(I)    Provide a portion of the funds to renovate the original portion of
Douglass Library (capital facilities renewal)................... $263,000

(II)    Provide planning funds for new physical education and health

(F)     Frostburg State University:

(I) Provide a portion of the funds to replace and upgrade fume hoods
in the Tawes Science Building (capital facilities
renewal).............................................................................. $113,000

(G)    Coppin State College:

(I) Replace spandrel panels on Jacobs Hall (capital facilities
renewal).............................................................................. $416,000

(H) University of Baltimore:

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2086   View pdf image
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