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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2085   View pdf image
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Ch. 377

SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act shall provide

(1) The following academic facilities for the University of Maryland System
are hereby approved and the University of Maryland System may issue, sell, and deliver
bonds in accordance with Title 19 of the Education Article of the Code, as amended by
the Act, in the total principal amount of $31,563,000 $25,597,000 $24,455,000 for the
purposes of financing or refinancing the costs specified for the following academic

(A)    University of Maryland at Baltimore:

(I) Purchase capital equipment for Phase I of the Health Sciences
Facility........................................ $3,000,000 $1,300,000 $1,201,000

(II)Prepare detailed plans to construct a new Health Sciences
Library............................................................................... $924,000

(III)    (II) Prepare detailed plans and construct Phase II of site
improvements within the area designated as University Center,
provided that no funds may be expended until the budget committees
review a program plan for the project.............
$500,000 $300,000

(IV)     (III) Provide a portion of the funds to renovate part of Howard
Hall (capital facilities renewal)...................................... $580,000

(B)    University of Maryland College Park:

(I) Construct Phase III of the Health and Human Performance
Building........................................................................... $7,974,000

(II)Construct and equip the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute

Lower Eastern Shore Regional Training Center........$1,959,000


(II) Prepare preliminary plans for a new music/theatre complex, provided
that nonstate matching funds, including private funds and in kind
contributions, of at least $10,000,000 be applied to the project and
that this match shall become due during the construction phase of the

(III)Preparepreliminaryplans for a new Music/Theater

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2085   View pdf image
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