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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 1469   View pdf image
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Ch. 198

(c) "Cohabitant" means a person who has had a sexual relationship with the
respondent and resided with the respondent in the home for a period of at least 90 days
within 1 year before the filing of the petition.

(d) "Court" means the [District Court or a circuit court in this State] FAMILY

[(e)](F) "Emergency family maintenance" moans a monetary award given to or
for a p
erson eligible for relief to whom the respondent has a duty of support under this
article bas
ed on:

(1) the financial needs of the person eligible for relief; and

(2) the resources available to the person eligible for relief and the

[(f)] (G) "Home" means the property in this State that:

(1) is the principal residence of a person eligible for relief; and

(2) is owned, rented, or leased by the person eligible for relief or respondent
or. in a petition alleging child abuse or abuse of a vulnerabl
e adult, an adult living in the
home at the time of a proceeding under this subtitle.

[(g)](H) "Local department" means the local department of social services that
has jurisdiction in the county:

(1)    where the home is located; or

(2)    if different, where the abuse is alleged to have taken place.

[(h)](I)      "Person eligible for relief" includes:

(1)    the current or former spouse of the respondent;

(2)    a cohabitant of the respondent;

(3)     a person related to the respondent by blood or marriage, or a parent,
stepparent, child, or stepchild of the respond
ent or the person eligible for relief who
resides or resided with the respondent or person eligible for relief for at lea
st 90 days
within 1 year befor
e the filing of the petition;

(4)     a vulnerable adult; or

(5) an individual who has a child in common with the respondent.

[(i)] (J) (1) "Petitioner" means an individual who files a petition.

(2) "Petitioner" includes:

(i) a person eligible for relief; or

(ii) the following persons who may seek relief from abuse on behalf of
a minor or vulnerable adult:

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 1469   View pdf image
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