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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 1468   View pdf image
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Ch. 198


(d)     If an adoption or guardianship with the right to consent to adoption or
long-term care short of adoption is ordered by the equity court, as to a child previously
adjudicated to be a child in need of assistance, a neglected child, an abused child, or a
dependent child, the jurisdiction of a juvenile court with regard to these issues is


(a) In an action for alimony, annulment, or divorce, [an equity court] THE

(1) has all the powers of a court of equity; and

(2) may issue an injunction to protect any party to the action from physical
harm or harassment.

(b) Unless the court expressly provides otherwise, the filing of an action for an
annulment, a limited divorc
e, or an absolute divorce does not constitute lis pendens with
respect to any property of a party.

(c)     In an action for alimony, annulment, or divorce, a final decree may not be
entered except on oral testimony by the plaintiff in a hearing before an examiner or a
master or in open court.

(d) [An equity court] THE FAMILY COURT shall hear and determine a case for
alimony in as full and ample a manner as a case for alimony could be heard and
determined by the Ecclesiastical Courts of England.


(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.

(b) (1) "Abuse" means any of the following acts:

(i) an act that causes serious bodily harm;

(ii) an act that places a person eligible for relief in fear of imminent
s bodily harm;

(iii) battery or assault and battery;

(iv) rape or sexual offense as defined by Article 27, §§ 462 through
464C or att
empted rape or sexual offense;

(v) false imprisonment;

(vi) abuse of a child, as defined in Title 5, Subtitle 7 of this article; or

(vii) abuse of a vulnerable adult.

(2) Nothing in this subtitle shall be construed to prohibit reasonable
punishment, including reasonable corporal punishment, in light of th
e age and condition
of the child, from being performed by a parent or stepparent of the child.

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Session Laws, 1993
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