Ch. 197
(Senate Bill 350)
AN ACT concerning
Child Support
FOR the purpose of providing that grandparents are responsible for the support of a
minor grandchild under certain circumstances; requiring authorizing the Child
Support Enforcement Administration or a court to require a child support obligor
to perform community service under certain circumstances; requiring a court to
immediately authorize service of an earnings withholding order under certain
circumstances; altering the conditions under which a court is prohibited from
authorizing immediate service of an earnings withholding order; requiring a court to
award child support for a period from the separation of the parents filing of the
pleading requesting the support, unless the court finds that the action would be
unconscionable amount of the award would produce an inequitable result; requiring
the court to give credit for certain direct payments; authorizing the court to order a
subsequent child support award or modification of an initial award for a period
from the filing of the pleading; authorizing the court to order payment of certain
medical expenses; establishing a rebuttable presumption that a man who completes
a certain notarized affidavit recognizing parentage of a child is the father of the
child; requiring the notarized affidavit to be completed on a standardized form
developed by the Department of Human Resources; specifying the required
contents of the form; providing an opportunity for an unmarried mother and father to
execute a certain affidavit of parentage; requiring that the affidavit contain certain
information; authorizing a certain use of an executed affidavit in a paternity proceeding;
requiring the Department to make the standardized affidavit forms available to all
hospitals in the State; requiring the Child Support Enforcement Administration to
prepare certain written information concerning the benefits of paternity
establishment; requiring the Secretary of Human Resources, in consultation with certain
persons, to adopt certain regulations; establishing certain duties of the administrative
head of certain institutions or the administrative head's designee upon the birth of a
child to an unmarried woman; authorizing the Child Support Enforcement
Administration to supply certain information to certain consumer reporting
agencies under certain circumstances; requiring the Administration to follow
certain procedures before supplying information to a consumer reporting agency
under this Act; requiring a consumer reporting agency to remove certain
information from the credit file of a child support obligor under certain
circumstances; authorizing the Administration to charge a certain fee; requiring
certain consumer reporting agencies to comply with certain provisions of law;
requiring the Child Support Enforcement Administration to certify certain
information to the Motor Vehicle Administration and to provide notice of that
certification to the obligor; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to revoke,
refuse to issue, or refuse to renew the driver's license of an obligor, or revoke the
privilege to drive of a nonresident obligor who is in arrears on a child support
obligation under certain circumstances; providing that an obligor may appeal the
existence of or the amount of the arrearage; providing for the issuance, renewal, or
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