Ch. 3
(Senate Bill 1)
AN ACT concerning
Business Occupations
FOR the purpose of adding a new article to the Annotated Code of
Maryland, to be designated and known as the "Business
Occupations Article", to revise, restate, and recodify the
laws of this State relating and pertaining to certain
business occupations, including accountancy, architecture,
barbering, bay piloting, cosmetology, practice as a master
electrician, forestry, hearing aid dealing, landscape
architecture, lawyering, plumbing, practice as a private
detective, a private detective agency, or security guard,
professional engineering, professional land surveying,
property line surveying, and real estate brokering;
reorganizing and standardizing the structure of the laws
relating to these business occupations; conforming language
and certain provisions relating and pertaining to the
licensing, registration, and certification of certain
persons who practice these business occupations and the
issuance of permits for certain establishments and
businesses where these occupations are practiced; revising,
restating, and recodifying the laws relating and pertaining
to the regulatory boards and commissions for these business
occupations, the regulatory powers of the Superintendent of
the Maryland State Police, and the authority of the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation; relating to the
appointment, qualifications, oaths, compensation, tenure,
and removal of members of the boards and commissions;
relating to quorum requirements, meetings, powers, duties,
and other administrative provisions for the boards and
commissions; changing the names of certain of these boards;
relating to the scope of practice within these business
occupations and exemptions for practicing these business
occupations under certain circumstances; relating to the
qualifications and examinations of applicants for licenses,
certifications, and permits; relating to the issuance,
scope, term, renewal, reinstatement, and display of
licenses, permits, and certifications; relating to denial of
applications, disciplinary procedures, and appeals with
respect to these and related matters; generally providing
for definitions, exemptions, procedures, rights and
remedies, prohibitions, and civil and criminal penalties,
and for the supervisory and regulatory authority of the
business occupations boards and commissions, the
Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, and the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation; generally relating to
the powers and duties of the business occupations boards and
commissions and their members; amending and transferring to
other articles of certain miscellaneous provisions including
ones relating to termination of attorney's appearance,
practice by certain orphans' court judges, and preparation
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