first sentence of former Art. 56, § 479(a), which
referred to the work "generally and usually performed
by so-called hairdressers, cosmetologists,
cosmetologists aides, cosmeticians, wig stylists not
licensed as barbers, beauticians, or beauty culturists
and demonstrators of beauty preparations or equipment,
and however denominated in so-called hairdressing and
beauty shops".
The term "practice cosmetology" is substituted, as the
defined term, for the former word "beauty culture", in
accordance with Ch. 278, Acts of 1961, which
substantively revised the laws that related to
cosmetologists and, in § 3, directed that references
to "hairdressers" and "beauty culturists" be replaced
by references to "cosmetologists". The substituted
language also states the definition in the infinitive
form to allow minor verb variations of the defined
term without taking these variations out of the scope
of the definition.
The defined term "practice cosmetology" is intended to
be an exclusive composite of all of the substantive
elements that are encompassed in the practice of
cosmetology. Therefore, in the introductory language
of this subsection, the word "means" is substituted
for the former word "includes" and for the fourth
clause of the first sentence of former Art. 56, §
479(a), which provided that the "enumerated practices
shall be inclusive of the term beauty culture but not
in limitation thereof."
In light of the addition of items (5) and (6) of this
subsection, the references, in the third clause of the
first sentence of former Art. 56, § 479(a), to "the
removal of superfluous hair, and the massaging, ... or
similar work upon the scalp, face, arms or hands, by
the use of mechanical ... appliance or cosmetics, ...
or by other means" and to "manicuring and pedicuring
the nails of either sex" are deleted.
The second sentence of former Art. 56, § 479(a), which
excluded from the former term "beauty culture" any
service that cosmetologists are not licensed to
perform, is deleted as redundant.
Defined terms: "Provide demonstrating
services" § 5-101
"Provide esthetic services" §• 5-101
"Provide manicuring services" § 5-101
"Provide wig styling services" § 5-101
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