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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 1010   View pdf image
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Ch. 5


(iii) The itemized amount of payments in
addition to interest payable to the lender in connection with the
loan at the time the loan is made, stated in dollars.

(2)  If the loan is made to two or more borrowers,
delivery of the statement to one borrower is sufficient, but a
copy of the statement shall be furnished to each other borrower.

(3)  Paragraphs (l)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this
subsection do not apply to any loan subject to the disclosure
provisions of the [Federal] FEDERAL Truth-in-Lending Act, if the
lender complies with the applicable disclosure provisions of the
federal act and its regulations.

(4)  A statement that complies with the applicable
disclosure provisions of the [Federal] FEDERAL Truth-in-Lending
Act is sufficient to meet the requirements of this title.


Error: In § 12-106 of the Commercial Law Article,
stylistic error in subsection (a) and capitalization
error in subsection (b).

Occurred: Stylistic error occurred in Ch. 49, Acts of
1975; capitalization error occurred in the printing of
the 1988 Cumulative Supplement to the 1983 Replacement
Volume of the Commercial Law Article.


It is an unfair or deceptive trade practice within the
meaning of Title 13 of this article for a seller to:

(2) Fail to furnish the [buyer] BUYER, at the time he
signs the door-to-door sales contract or otherwise agrees to buy
consumer goods or consumer services from the seller, a completed
form in duplicate, captioned "Notice of Cancellation", which:

(i) Is attached to the contract or receipt and
is easily detachable; and

(ii) Contains in 10 point boldface type the
following information and statements, in the same language as
that used in the contract:

"Notice of Cancellation

(Enter date of transaction)


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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 1010   View pdf image
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