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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 835   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                        Ch. 6

bona fide nonprofit organization or club composed solely of
members who served in the armed forces of the United States; (2)
a bona fide religious group which has conducted religious
services at a fixed location in Worcester County for a period of
at least six years prior to the application to the Worcester
County bingo board; (3) a nonprofit organization desiring to
raise money for an exclusively charitable or educational purpose
specifically described in the application to the Worcester County
bingo board (to qualify as such, a nonprofit organization must
have been operating as such in Worcester County for a period of
at least five years prior to the application to THE Worcester
County bingo board); (4) a volunteer fire company in Worcester
County; or (5) a municipal corporation in Worcester County
subject to the provisions of Article XI-E of the Constitution of
Maryland, to conduct and operate a game of bingo within the
county, as in this section provided.

(f) (1) Any local unit of a [nation-wide] NATIONWIDE bona
fide nonprofit organization or club composed solely of members
who served in the armed forces of the United States; (2) a bona
fide religious group which has conducted religious services at a
fixed location in Worcester County for a period of at least six
years prior to the application to the Worcester County bingo
board; (3) a nonprofit organization desiring to raise money for
an exclusively charitable or educational purpose specifically
described in the application to the Worcester County bingo board
(to qualify as such, a nonprofit organization must have been
operating as such in Worcester County for a period of at least
five years prior to the application to THE Worcester County bingo
board); (4) a volunteer fire company in Worcester County[,]; or
(5) a municipal corporation in Worcester County desiring to
conduct and operate a game of bingo under the provisions of this
section, shall file an application with the bingo board on such
form and in such detail as the board by regulation may prescribe.
The form must contain the name of the organization or municipal
corporation, and a list of its principal officers. It must
contain also a certification that no one will be employed in the
conduct and operation of a bingo game except a person who is
employed by the organization or municipal corporation on a
regular salary and not in any way subject to the payment of any
form of commission or bonus, or a bona fide member of said
organization who likewise shall not receive any form of
commission or bonus. All such employees and the terms of their
employment must be approved by the board before they may conduct
or operate a game of bingo. If the bingo board ascertains that
the application conforms to the requirements of this section and
of the rules and regulations issued thereunder by the board, it
shall issue a license as applied for.


Error: Incorrect usage, erroneous punctuation, and
omitted articles in Article 27, § 251A(a) and (f).

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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 835   View pdf image
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