Ch. 6
consumption, who shall in person or by his, their or its agents
or [employes] EMPLOYEES, make, mix, manufacture, compound,
dispense, sell, or deliver to any person, any drug, medicine,
medicinal or chemical preparation, intended for internal use,
wherein ethyl, or grain alcohol usually enters as part of, or is
in anywise employed in the making, mixing or manufacture,
compounding or preparation of such drug, medicine, medicinal or
chemical preparation; and who shall, in the making, mixing,
manufacturing or compounding of such drug, medicine or medicinal
or chemical preparation, substitute or use, in part or in whole,
methyl, or wood alcohol, in place and stead of ethyl, or grain
alcohol, or who shall in any manner put or introduce methyl, or
wood alcohol, into such drug, medicine, medicinal or chemical
preparation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one
hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by not
less than three months nor more than twelve months imprisonment,
or by both, in the discretion of the court.
Error: Misspelling in Article 27, § 230.
Occurred: Prior to the 1957 codification of the
Annotated Code of Maryland.
(a) Any person who fraudulently obtains, attempts to
obtain, or aids another person in fraudulently obtaining or
attempting to obtain money, property, food stamps, medical care
or other assistance other than Medicaid to which he is not
entitled, under a social, health, or nutritional program based on
need, financed in whole or in part by the State of Maryland, and
administered by the State or its political subdivisions is guilty
of a misdemeanor. For purposes of this section, fraud shall
(1) Wilfully making a false statement or
representation; [or]
Error: Redundant conjunction in Article 27, §
Occurred: Ch. 428, Acts of 1974.
(a) Nothing in this subtitle shall be construed to make it
unlawful for (1) any local unit of a [nation-wide] NATIONWIDE
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