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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 4087   View pdf image
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Ch. 596

(Millington, Fishing Bay, E. A. Vaughn,

Deal Island, Taylor's Island)................ $350,000


GRANT FOR LAND ACQUISITION................... $93,992

Total.................. $9,500,000

Chapter 403 of the Acts

of the General Assembly of 1969

(As added by Chapter 719 of the Acts of

the General Assembly of 1976)


That, for the fiscal year 1977, of the funds appropriated by
Section 5 of this Act, there shall be allocated a total of
$11,000,000 to be used exclusively by the State agencies and
local governing bodies hereunder. From the funds available under
this program for the fiscal year 1977, the following State
agencies and Baltimore City are hereby authorized to expend the
following amounts for the following projects:

Department of Natural Resources, land acquisition

(1)  Janes Island (Somerset County):

The land acquisition program may not

exceed 3,150 acres............................ $100,000

(2)  Monocacy (Frederick and Montgomery

The land acquisition program may not

exceed 2,000 acres.......................... $[200,000]


(3)  Merkle (Prince George's and Calvert

The land acquisition program may not

exceed 2,420 acres........................... $300,000

(4)  Patapsco (Howard, Carroll, Baltimore, and
Anne Arundel Counties):

The land acquisition program may not

exceed 11,171 acres.......................... $800,000

(5)  Patuxent (Montgomery and Howard Counties):

The land acquisition program may not
exceed 7,980 acres and stream valley
parks in the Laurel area of Prince
George's County.............................. $400,000

(6)  Patuxent River Wildlife Sanctuary (Anne
Arundel County):

- 4087 -


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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 4087   View pdf image
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