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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 4086   View pdf image
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Ch. 596                                          LAWS OF MARYLAND

(7)  Patapsco (Howard, Carroll, Baltimore and
Anne Arundel Counties):

Approximately 400 acres but not to exceed

10,076 acres.....................................750,000

(8)  Patuxent (Montgomery and Howard Counties):

Approximately 227 acres but not to exceed

7,980 acres......................................750,000

(9)  Point Lookout (St. Mary's County):

Approximately 100 acres but not to exceed

705 acres........................................ 50,000

(10) Soldier's Delight (Baltimore County):

Approximately 75 acres but not to exceed

2,076 acres......................................100,000

(11) St. Mary's River (St. Mary's County):

Approximately 500 acres but not to exceed

2,481 acres......................................400,000

(12) Seneca (Montgomery County):

Approximately 500 acres but not to exceed

6,609 acres....................................1,000,000

(13) South Mountain (Frederick and Washington

Approximately 900 acres but not to exceed

9,000 acres...................................$ 500,000

(14) Susquehanna (Harford County):

Approximately 400 acres but not to exceed

2,846 acres................................... 500,000

(15) Zekiah Swamp (Charles County):

Approximately 100 acres but not to exceed

5,000 acres................................... 100,000

(16) Advanced Option and Purchase Fund for

Department of Natural Resources Areas......... 2,000,000

(17) St. Mary's City Commission (St. Mary's

Approximately 100 acres but not to exceed

863 acres....................................... 100,000

(18) Baltimore City Grants........................... 300,000

(19) Ocean City Beach (Worcester County):

Not to exceed 15 acres........................ 1,000,000

(20) Eastern Shore Wildlife Management Areas

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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 4086   View pdf image
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