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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 3522   View pdf image
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Ch. 534



(a)  Except with respect to species of fish determined to be
endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act,
the Secretary, upon the petition of an interested person, shall
conduct a review of any listed or unlisted species proposed to be
removed from or added to the lists published pursuant to §
4-2A-04(f), if he makes and publishes a public notice that the
person has presented substantial evidence which warrants a

(b)  When any species of fish is listed as a threatened
species pursuant to § 4-2A-04(f), the Secretary shall adopt rules
and regulations necessary and advisable to provide for the

conservation of the species. The Secretary, by rules and

regulations REGULATION, shall prohibit with respect to any
threatened species of fish any act prohibited under subsection

(c)  Except as provided in subsection (f), with respect to
any endangered species of fish, no person may:

(1)  Export the species from the State;

(2)  Take the species within the State;

(3)  Possess, process, sell, or offer for sale,
deliver, carry, transport, or ship the species by any means; or

(4)  Violate any rule or regulation pertaining to the
conservation of the species or to any threatened species of
wildlife listed pursuant to this subsection and adopted by the
Secretary pursuant to authority provided by this section.

(d)  Except as provided in subsection (f), with respect to
any endangered species of fish, no person may:

(1)  Export the species from the State;

(2)  Possess, process, sell, offer for sale, deliver,
carry, transport, or ship the species by any means; or

(3)  Violate any rule or regulation pertaining to the
species or to any threatened species of fish listed pursuant to §
4-2A-04(f) and adopted by the Secretary.

(e)  If any endangered species of fish which enters the
State from another state or from a point outside the territorial
limits of the United States and which is being transported to a
point within or beyond the State may be so entered and
transported without restriction in accordance with the terms of
any federal permit or permit issued under the laws or rules and
regulations of another state.

- 3522 -


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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 3522   View pdf image
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