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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 3521   View pdf image
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(d) (1) The provisions of this title do not apply to any
privately-owned recreational area if the following factors are

(i) The payment of a fee to the owner of the
area is not exclusively for the privilege of fishing in any ponds
or lake on the property;

(ii) The lakes or ponds are stocked privately
by the owner with privately-owned fish; and

(iii) Activities other than fishing are
provided for the users of the recreational area.

(2) The owner or owners of any privately-owned
recreational area and the users of the area are not required to
display fishing licenses.

[4-623.] 4-11A-21.

(a)  A person may apply in writing to the Department for a
permit to breed, propagate, and sell any species of game and
freshwater fish protected by law, in ponds or lakes which he owns
or leases. The Department, upon receipt of a permit fee of $5 may
issue to the applicant a breeder's license permitting him to
hatch, rear, transport, sell, barter or exchange any fish. A fish
breeder's permit expires on December 31 following the date of

(b)  The Department shall promulgate rules and regulations
governing the release, possession, sale, shipment, and
identification of every game and freshwater fish bred under a
fish breeder's permit. The Department may require any report
necessary concerning the operation of a fish breeder's permit.
Any permit issued under the provisions of this section may be
revoked for a violation of any provision of this section or any
rule or regulation made pursuant to it.

[4-624.] 4-11A-22.

If a person who owns, controls, or erects an artificial pond
on land he owns or possesses, puts any fish or the eggs or spawn
of fish in the pond for breeding and cultivating purposes, and
gives notice by written or printed handbills in public places
near the pond, no other person may enter the premises to fish,
without obtaining the consent of the owner.

Maryland read as follows:

Article - Natural Resources

- 3521 -


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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 3521   View pdf image
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