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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 3008   View pdf image
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Ch. 367


sell [intoxicating liquors] ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES for consumption
by any person under [age] 21 YEARS OF AGE, [or for a person not
designated under Article 2B, § 2(t)(2) of the Code, in the case
of beer or light wine,] knowing that the person is under 21 YEARS
OF AGE [, or not designated under Article 2B, § 2(t)(2) in the
case of beer or light wine].


It is unlawful for any person to knowingly, willfully, or
falsely represent the age of any person to any licensed
innkeeper, restaurant keeper, or other person engaged in the sale
of [intoxicating liquors] ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES for the purpose of
inducing that person to illegally sell or furnish any
[intoxicating liquors] ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES to any person.


[(a)] It is unlawful for any person under the age of 21
years[, except where beer and light wine is involved, or any
person not designated under Article 2B, § 2(t)(2) of the Code,]
to knowingly and falsely represent himself to be AT LEAST 21
years old[, or a person designated in Article 2B, § 2(t)(2) of
the Code in the case of beer and light wine,] to any licensed
innkeeper or other person engaged in the sale of [intoxicating
liquors] ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES for the purpose of procuring or
having furnished to him, by sale, gift, or otherwise, any beer or
light wine or any [intoxicating liquors] ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES.

[(b) It is unlawful for any person 18 years old or older
but under 21 years old to knowingly and falsely represent himself
to be 21 years of age or older to any licensed innkeeper or other
person engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors for the
purpose of procuring or having furnished to him by sale, gift, or
otherwise, any intoxicating liquor except beer and light wine.]

take effect July 1, 1988.

Approved May 17, 1988.

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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 3008   View pdf image
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