Ch. 48
(House Bill 1)
AN ACT concerning
Procurement Law - Revision
FOR the purpose of adding a new Division II to the State Finance
and Procurement Article, comprised of Titles 11 through 17
inclusive, to revise, restate, and recodify the laws of the
State relating and pertaining to procurement; defining
certain terms; specifying the scope and application of the
laws relating to procurement; revising the laws relating to
the organization of procurement and general authority of the
Board of Public Works over procurement; revising the laws
relating to staff and advisory bodies for the Board of
Public Works; revising the laws relating to certain
regulations of the Board of Public Works; revising the laws
concerning delegation of procurement authority; revising the
laws relating to the Procurement Advisory Council; revising
the laws relating to the authority of the Board of Public
Works concerning real property leases and capital
expenditures; revising certain laws relating to land
acquisition and clarifying the scope of those laws; revising
the laws relating to approval by the Board of Public Works
for certain contracts; revising certain laws relating to
procurement by the Department of General Services and units
procuring supplies, services, construction, construction
related services, architectural services, or engineering
services through the Department of General Services;
revising the laws relating to procurement by the Department
of Transportation and its units if architectural services,
engineering services, construction, or construction related
services are related to transportation; revising the laws
relating to the General Professional Services Selection
Board and the Transportation Professional Services Selection
Board; revising the laws relating to procedures for
competitive sealed bids, competitive sealed proposals, sole
source procurement, emergency procurement, expedited
procurement, small procurements, and noncompetitive
negotiation and source selection under those procedures;
revising the laws relating to procurement from persons doing
business with or in the Republic of South Africa; revising
the laws relating to small business preferences in
purchasing; revising the laws relating to preferences in
purchasing from State Use Industries, Blind Industries and
Services of Maryland, sheltered workshops, and minority
business enterprises and to residence preferences; revising
the laws relating to certain reports concerning purchases
from minority business enterprises; revising the laws
relating to use of Maryland coal; revising the laws relating
to recycled paper and low noise supplies; revising the laws
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