Ch. 121
position to be filled above the
9717 9694 9,732 ceiling is
approved by the Board of Public
Works and shall count against the
Rule of 50 imposed by the General
Assembly. The establishment of
new jobs or positions of
employment not authorized in the
fiscal year 1988 budget shall be
subject to the State Finance and
Procurement Article 78A, Section
16B(a) 7-236 and the Rule of 50.
Excess funds generated as a
result of this ceiling shall be
used to offset the need for the
issuance of an amount of
Consolidated Transportation Bonds
during the fiscal year.
No funds may be expended or
committed from the Transportation
Trust Fund for the procurement of
helicopters and related capital
equipment and services for the
State's Medevac System except as
herein provided.
Procurement shall be undertaken and
supervised by the Department of
Transportation (M.D.O.T.) with
the advice and assistance of the
Maryland State Police (MSP and
Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services (DPSCS),
the Maryland Institute for
Emergency Medical Service Systems
(MIEMSS) and the Department of
Budget and Fiscal Planning
(DBFP). In implementing the
procurement, the participants
shall adhere to the following
policy guidelines:
1. Specifications utilized in the
Request for Procurement (RFP)
shall be written broadly to
encourage a competitive
bidding environment.
2. Specifications and the RFP
shall be developed based upon
a detailed profile of mission
requirements. Extreme care
shall be exercised in
developing these requirements
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