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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 464   View pdf image
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Ch. 58                                     LAWS OF MARYLAND

(a)  At any auction sale, any owner of the tobacco shall
have 20 minutes after a final bid is made upon any lots of
tobacco offered for sale by the owner, in which to accept or
reject the final bid. If a bid is not rejected within this time
limit, the sale is final.

(b)  Every buyer on the warehouse floor shall accept the
tobacco at the auction price at which sold to him, and may reject
the tobacco only under terms and conditions established by the

(c)  An officer, auctioneer, or other employee of any
commission selling agency may not purchase any tobacco from any
sales floor seller licensee for his own account unless he is the
owner of the tobacco. This section does not prevent any officer,
auctioneer, or employee of any agency who previously has been
designated and who is directly in charge of sales, from
purchasing any tobacco for the account of the commission selling

[(d) If any commission selling agency purchases for its own
account any tobacco lawfully consigned to it, the tobacco shall
be reoffered for sale on the same sales floor at public auction
during the current marketing season, if the market is open at the

take effect July 1, 1987.

Approved April 14, 1987.


(House Bill 114)

AN ACT concerning

Unemployment Insurance - Serving of Subpoenas

FOR the purpose of providing that subpoenas issued for the
administration of the unemployment insurance law may be
served in any manner in which court subpoenas are authorized
to be served; and making certain technical corrections.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

Article 95A - Unemployment Insurance Law

Section 12(h)

Annotated Code of Maryland

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 464   View pdf image
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