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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 460   View pdf image
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Ch. 55                                             LAWS OF MARYLAND

be included or excluded from the sample or interfere or to try to
use any influence in regard to the sample.

(b) Any United States Department of Agriculture grader or
any commission selling agency or its representative may examine.
and handle any bundle or sample drawn from a hogshead for the
purpose of determining its texture, quality, or grade.]


(a) The owner of any warehouse[, except the State
warehouse,] holding leaf tobacco for sale shall keep an open
policy of insurance upon the contents of his warehouse sufficient
to cover every loss by fire sustained by any, person storing leaf
tobacco for sale. However, if insurance coverage is furnished to
the owner of leaf tobacco held for sale in any warehouse by the
buyer of seller of their agent, the warehouse owner need not
provide insurance coverage.


(a)  No Maryland-grown tobacco may be passed or accounted
for sale or storage in the warehouse unless it is packed in
hogsheads not exceeding 54 inches in the length of the staves,
nor exceeding 48 inches across the head.

(b)  If an owner or his agent packs tobacco in any hogshead
of greater dimensions, he shall repack it in a hogshead of the
prescribed size at his own expense before it is passed.]


If leaf tobacco is sold packed in a hogshead or cask and no
price is specifically agreed upon between the seller and buyer,
the buyer shall be deemed to have agreed to pay $6 or the
prevailing price for a hogshead or cask if it exceeds $6. In the
absence of an express agreement to the contrary, the seller may
demand that this sum be added to the purchase price of the

Article 27 - Crimes and Punishments


If any person shall forge or counterfeit any manifest or
note of any inspector of tobacco, or alter the quantity or
quality of tobacco expressed in such manifest or note, or shall
offer or cause to be offered in payment, any such forged,
counterfeited, or altered manifest or note, knowing the same to
be forged, counterfeited or altered, and shall be thereof
convicted, he shall be fined in any sum not exceeding three
hundred dollars, or sentenced to the penitentiary for any term

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 460   View pdf image
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