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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3890   View pdf image
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may reasonably be requested by such Issuer or its bond counsel in
order to establish the existence of a valid allocation for the
proposed bond issuance and to establish that the Maryland State
Ceiling has not been exceeded.

Section 11. Housing Credits. The low-income housing tax
credit authority limitation pursuant to Section 252 of the Code
is hereby allocated to the Department of Economic and Community
Development. the Secretary is hereby authorized to administer
and reallocate such low-income housing tax credit authority in
accordance with the Code. The Housing Finance Review Committee
established pursuant to Section 11-302 of Article 41 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland shall review and make recommendations
to the Secretary on specific request for allocation of such
low-income housing credits. The Secretary may approve any
request for an allocation without receiving the recommendation of
the Housing Finance Review Committee.

Section 12. Severability. If any provision of this
Proclamation or the application of it to any person or
circumstance is held invalid for any reason in a court of
competent jurisdiction, the invalidity does not affect other
provisions or any other application of this Proclamation which
can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,
and for this purpose the provisions of this Proclamation are
declared severable.

Section 13. Effective Date. This Proclamation shall take
effect as of the date it is executed and except as may
subsequently be amended, shall remain in effect through December
31, 1987.


I William Donald Schaefer, Governor of the State of
Maryland, hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the
allocations of the Maryland State Ceiling made in the foregoing
Proclamation dated March 9, 1987 were not made in consideration
of any bribe, gift, gratuity, or direct or indirect contribution
to any political campaign.




WHEREAS, The Federal Developmental Disabilities Act (PL98-527)



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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3890   View pdf image
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