(4) a representative from the State Attorney
General's Office, appointed by the Attorney General; and
(5) a representative from the Department of State
Planning, appointed by the Secretary of the Department of State
Planning; and
(6) a representative of the Maryland School of
Engineering, appointed by the Governor; and
(7) a representative of the Maryland School of Public
Health, appointed by the Governor; and
(8) a representative from the medical profession
specializing in lung disease, appointed by the Governor; and
(9) a representative of the home building industry,
appointed by the Governor; and
(10) a representative of the Board of Realtors,
Maryland Association of Realtors, appointed by the Governor; and
(11) a representative of a business involved in the
testing or remediation of radon; and
(12) a 2 consumer member that has a home members
with unsafe levels of radon; radon in their homes, appointed by
the Governor; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Governor designate the Chairman of the
Task Force; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Task Force issue a report by January 1,
1988 on the status of the study to determine the extent of the
radon problem in the State, including a detailed report on the
status of the statewide radon survey, and issue a final report on
its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly by
January 1, 1988 July 1, 1988; and be it further
RESOLVED, That staff for the Task Force be provided by the
Office of Environmental Programs; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable William
Donald Schaefer, Governor of Maryland; the Honorable Thomas V.
Mike Miller, Jr., President of the Senate of Maryland; the
Honorable R. Clayton Mitchell, Jr., Speaker of the House of
Delegates; the Honorable Adele Wilzack, R.N., M.S., Secretary of
the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 201 West Preston
Street, Baltimore, Md. 21201; the Honorable Torrey C. Brown,
M.D., Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources, Tawes
State Office Building, 580 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, Md. 21401;
the Honorable J. Joseph Curran, Attorney General, Office of the
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