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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 2404   View pdf image
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Ch. 520


(1) Include a draw schedule that shall be set forth
on a separate sheet of paper and that shall be separately signed
by the buyer and the [custom home] builder;

(2) Require the [custom home] builder, on written
request of the buyer, to identify to the extent known the names
of the primary subcontractors who will be working on the custom

(3) Expressly state that any and all changes that are
to be made to the contract shall be recorded as "change orders"
that specify the change in the work ordered and the effect of the
change on the price of the house;

(4) Set forth in bold type whether or not the vendor
or builder is covered by a warranty program guaranteed by a third

(5) Require the vendor or builder, [upon] ON written
request of the [purchaser] BUYER, to deliver to the [purchaser]
BUYER within 30 days after each progress payment a list of the
subcontractors or materialmen who have been paid more than $500
by the vendor or builder; and

(5) Require that the [custom home] builder provide

waivers of liens from all applicable subcontractors, suppliers,

or materialmen within a reasonable time after the final payment
for the goods or services they provide.


(a) (1) A [custom home] builder must include in each
[custom] home contract a disclosure concerning the buyer's
risk under mechanics' lien laws.

(2)  The disclosure concerning the buyer's risk under
mechanics' lien laws under paragraph (3) of this subsection

(i) Be on a separate page of the [custom]
home contract; and

(ii) Be separately signed by the buyer.

(3)  The disclosure required under paragraph (1) of
this subsection shall state:

"Buyer's risk under mechanics' lien laws unless you
take certain steps to protect your interests, a subcontractor,
materialman, or supplier may become entitled to place a lien
against your property in order to ensure payment to him for
services rendered or goods delivered on or to your home. This
could mean that your home could be sold to satisfy the lien.

- 2404 -


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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 2404   View pdf image
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