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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 2393   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                   Ch. 518

[(2)] Before any building or article is destroyed or
any animal slaughtered, the Secretary shall have the building,
article, or animal appraised pursuant to the departmental rules
and regulations.

(b)  There shall be two appraisers who shall be sworn before
any officer authorized to administer oaths and affirmations. One
shall be appointed by the owner or the agent of the owner of the
building, article, or animal to be destroyed or slaughtered, and
the other shall be appointed by the Secretary. If there is a
disagreement, the Secretary shall appoint a third appraiser. If
the owner or his agent refuses or neglects to name an appraiser,
the Secretary shall appoint one.

(c)  The appraisal of any animal, together with its carcass,
hide, and offal, may not exceed 90 percent of the fair market
value of the animal, or $500 for any one animal. The appraisal of
any building may not exceed 90 percent of its fair market value.
When approved by the Secretary, the appraisal shall be filed with
the Comptroller who shall issue his warrant to the Treasurer in
favor of the owner for the amount of the appraisal.

(d)  If the owner of the building, article, or property is
not satisfied with the appraisal, he may appeal to the circuit
court of the county where the building, article, or property is
located. The appeal shall be heard de novo.

take effect July 1, 1987.

Approved May 14, 1987.


(House Bill 893)

AN ACT concerning

Maryland Environmental Trust -
Notice of Perpetual Conservation Easement

FOR the purpose of requiring the Trustees of the Maryland
Environmental Trust, before accepting a certain perpetual
conservation easement, a person applying for a certain
perpetual conservation easement to mail a certain notice to
that a certain notice be mailed by the Maryland
Environmental Trust to
the a specified governing body of the
county or municipal corporation in which the land is located
at a certain time.

- 2393 -


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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 2393   View pdf image
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