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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1695   View pdf image
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situation related to the issuance of a development permit that
may require review or action.


(a) A local government that requires a development permit
shall keep on file with the Coordinator and the Secretary of
Economic HOUSING and [Community] EMPLOYMENT Development:

(1)  a current list of each type of development permit
that the local government issues;

(2)  a description of the nature of each type of
development permit;

(3)  the requirements and procedures for issuing each
type of development permit; and

(4)  a copy of the application form for each type of
development permit and the related instructions.

Article - Tax - Property


(f) When an enterprise zone is designated by the Secretary
of the Department of Economic and [Community] EMPLOYMENT
Development, the appropriate governing body shall certify to the
Department of Assessments and Taxation:

(1)  the real properties in the enterprise zone that
are qualified properties for each taxable year for which the
property tax credit under this section is to be granted; and

(2)  the date that the real properties became
qualified properties.

Article - Transportation


(h) (2) The Administration may not apply for the
establishment, operation, and maintenance of a foreign trade zone
unless it has the specific approval of the Board of Public Works.
Approval of the Board of Public Works shall be based on
information and advice, as received from the Department of
Natural Resources, the Department of Economic and [Community]
EMPLOYMENT Development, other interested agencies of this State,
and the county government of each involved county, on the
potential effects of the foreign trade zone on the water
resources, fisheries, and economic life of this State.


- 1695 -


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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1695   View pdf image
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