overhead transmission lines designed to carry a voltage in excess
of 69,000 volts, or exercising the right of eminent domain in
connection to it. This two year provision may be waived by the
Commission for good cause shown. The application shall contain
such information as the Commission requests and the company shall
also furnish the Commission such information as it may further
request from time to time. On receipt of the application and
information, the Commission shall notify all interested persons
including the following Maryland agencies: the Department of
Natural Resources, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,
Department of Transportation, Department of Economic and
[Community] EMPLOYMENT Development, Department of Agriculture,
and Department of State Planning. After receipt of all
information, and as the Commission deems necessary and after
publication as the Commission deems proper, the Commission at the
public hearing required by § 54A shall insure presentation of the
information and recommendations from these agencies, shall permit
the official representative of the agencies to sit during hearing
of all parties and, based on evidence relating to their areas of
concern, shall allow the agencies 15 days, after conclusion of
the hearing, to modify, affirm, or amend their initial
recommendations. Within 90 days after the hearing the Commission
shall grant or deny the permit or grant it subject to such
conditions as it may find appropriate, and notify all interested
parties. The decision shall be by a majority of the members of
the Commission and in any instance requiring a conditional permit
failure to reach majority agreement on the conditions to be
attached shall result in a denial. The granting of the
certificate shall also constitute authority to dredge and
construct bulkheads in the waters or private wetlands of the
State and to appropriate or use such waters. In addition, the
certificate shall also constitute registration and a permit, as
required under Title 2, Subtitle 4 of the Health - Environmental
Article for the air emissions, if any, resulting from the
operation of the plant.
Article 81 - Revenue and Taxes
(a) In this section the following words have the meanings
(4) "Economically disadvantaged individual" means an
individual who is certified by provisions adopted by the
Department of ECONOMIC AND Employment [and Training] DEVELOPMENT
as an individual who, before becoming employed by a business
entity in an enterprise zone:
(i) Was qualified to participate in training
activities for the economically disadvantaged under Title II,
Part B of the Federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
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