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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1025   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                   Ch. 224

of emergency, the board shall notify the voters affected by the
change of polling place by whatever means are reasonable, as
determined by the board. A voter's registration may not be
invalidated by such alteration or transfer, nor shall the right
of any voter be prejudiced by any error in filing or in making
out the list of voters or in making any change or transfer.

[(d)] (F) (1) Each board, at the time precinct lines are
created or changed under the authority of any provision of law,
shall have a reasonable number of maps prepared showing the new
precinct lines and shall adopt a resolution describing the
precinct lines. One copy of each of the resolutions and of the
maps shall be filed with the clerk of the circuit court of the
county and the State Administrative Board of Election Laws.

(2)  The board of supervisors of elections in every
county and Baltimore City shall provide and have available for
public information and distribution maps and descriptions, which
shall delineate by streets, monuments, and other appropriate
geographical descriptions each precinct, councilmanic district,
House of Delegates district, State senatorial district and
congressional district which is within its area or of which its
area is a part. The respective maps and descriptions shall
provide a clear and concise delineation of boundaries which can
be easily understood by laymen. The maps and descriptions
provided by any board can include more than one precinct or
district and will comply with this section, provided the
delineation of boundaries is clear and concise and can be easily
understood by laymen.

(3)  If a State senatorial district or congressional
district comprises portions of two or more of the political
subdivisions, the two or more boards of supervisors of elections
shall cooperate in providing and having the description available
for public information. If an entire county is part or all of a
State senatorial district or congressional district, the county
boundary lines may be so referred to and need not be further
described by street, monument, or geographical description.

(4)  The board of supervisors of elections in every
county and Baltimore City shall provide and have available for
public information and distribution a directory of street
addresses in said county or Baltimore City. Such directory shall
list street address locations in alphabetical and/or numerical
order appropriate for reference purposes, and shall indicate the
election district or ward, precinct (if any), legislative
district, congressional district, and postal zip code for each
street address. The directory shall be kept current as new
street addresses are created or as existing ones are changed.

(5)  Any board may charge reasonable fees for such
maps, descriptions, and directories. However, these fees cannot
be in excess of the proportionate cost for production of each

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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 1025   View pdf image
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