Effective Date March 12, 1986]
A RESOLUTION of the Commissioners of Poolesville adopted
pursuant to the authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of
Maryland and Section 13 of Article 23A of the 1957 Annotated Code
of Maryland (1981 Replacement Volume and 1984 Cum. Supp.), title,
"Corporations-Municipal", subtitle "Home Rule", to amend Section
82-28, title "Planning Commission", of Part I of the Poolesville
Code, being part of the municipal charter of The Commissioners of
Poolesville, to add a new subsection H, title "Appeals" to
provide for appeals to the Montgomery County Circuit Court from
decisions of the Planning Commission approving or denying
subdivision plans or plats.
[Section 82-28 of the Charter of the Town of Poolesville,
Montgomery County, as found in the compilation of Municipal
Charters of Maryland (1983 Edition), repealed and reenacted, with
Effective Date March 12, 1986]
(Cecil County)
RESOLUTION of the Council of Port Deposit, adopted pursuant
to the authority of Article XI-E of the Constitution of Maryland
and Section 13 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1957 Edition), 1981 Replacement Volume 1983 Cumulative
Supplement, Title "Corporations - Municipal" to amend the Charter
of the Town of Port Deposit by amending Section 608 of Article VI
entitled "Nominations" and to amend Chapter 30, Section 30-608
Nominations, of the Code of Cecil County which incorporates the
Charter of the Town of Port Deposit as effective on May 25, 1977.
[Section 608 of the Charter of the Town of Port Deposit,
Cecil County, as found in the compilation of Municipal Charters
of Maryland (1983 Edition), repealed and reenacted, with
Effective Date November 20, 1985]